by the Jury in the category "Art Direction" at 2008 CHICAGO SHORT FILM
trailer (6')
Audio/video project realized at Casalbeltrame
(NO – Italy) in the ex-church San Novello
where Mario Benedetti works (November
Production, post-production and music by Alberto Nacci
The song "I Colori del
Nero" is performed by the author
(tenor saxophone, computer sequencing)
out actions within a space produces noises, which can then become sounds,
as John Cage taught us. The soundtrack of everyday life can be made up of
outside elements, such as bells ringing or the experiences of private
spaces, such as the rustle of sheets of paper being handled or worked on
by a painter and his tools. The way in which Alberto Nacci interprets the
work of Mario Benedetti, with paper and with the press, seems to belong to
the tradition of videos showing the artist at work, with the subtle
difference that he also attempts to interpret the silences and sounds
within the gestures which transform the inert paper into the work of a
true artist. He distances himself from this, however, as he does not want
to investigate the creative process, or follow the various stages in
understanding the "mystery of creation", but rather to
concentrate on the noise/sound environment in which this happens and which
make it up. There is, furthermore, no intention of drawing comparisons
between painting and music because, even though the video ends with a
piece of music dedicated to the process shown, the coming together of
music and painting happens naturally, through the sounds produced by the
process, rather than the artistic accomplishment itself. It is, therefore,
very "concrete" music, which in the hands and in the eyes of
Benedetti becomes the music of the colour black and of its expressive
Professor in History of Artat
Sacro Cuore Catholic University of Brescia